Neck osteochondrosis is very difficult to cure, but not impossible. This is a traditional recipe, known and used in the Mediterranean, which was revealed to me by a 5th generation Greek olive farmer. After its application, you won’t feel any pain, possibly for years to come.
This is a massage mixture, prepared with unrefined virgin olive oil and sea salt (sea water is also usable). All you need is: 10 tablespoons of salt and 20 tablespoons of clean virgin olive oil (unrefined virgin sunflower oil can also be used).
This is how to can create this wonderful mixture for healing of osteochondrosis:
Mix the salt and the oil in a glass jar. Close the jar with a lid and keep in a dry, cool place. After a couple of days the light mixture will be ready.
Apply the mixture every morning by a way of strong massage. As your partner, or a friend (or even a professional) to help you with the massage. Target the cervical vertebrae, especially in places where you feel pain the most. Start by massaging for 2-3 minutes, but increase every day for additional 2-3 minutes until you end up with a 20 minute massage. Relax after the massage by applying a damp cloth around your neck.
The oil and salt massage may cause small skin irritation, so after the massage just the affected skin with a dry cloth and sprinkle it with any anti rash powder for babies.
A mere 10-day treatment will stimulate your blood circulation and improve the regeneration of your muscles, cartilage and bone tissue. After these 10 days, you will notice major changes for the better and the pain should dissipate completely.
This method will restore the blood flow in the cervical spine and can even improve your vision and clarity, making your headaches disappear. This is linked with the fact that your body is purged of toxins, which normalizes your metabolism. In order to properly cleanse yourself, it’s also a good idea to drink plenty of water during the 10 days (at least 2 liters per day) and the occasional wild oregano or Japanese matcha tea.
You may feel a little dizziness and drowsiness during the cleaning process, yet it shouldn’t happen very often. This osteochondrosis treatment is without side effects and should benefit your health overall.
As always, to be on the safeside, consult with your doctor if this treatment is right for you.
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