This remedy is considered as one of the most effective in the fight against cough and restoring immunity in children.
The following recipe is for children who are suffering from cough for several or more days and where a slight “crunch” can be heard from the lungs. One glass of juice will be enough to remove the phlegm and to restore the immunity.
Ingredients needed:
- 1 cup of peeled oats;
- 1 cup of sugar;
- 1 cup of water.
First, you will need to wash the oats well and place them in a sauce pan. Add the water and the sugar (the cup volume should be 200ml). Wait until the mixture starts to boil and allow it to boil for several minutes. The best time for preparation would be the evening because the mixture should rest during the night.
The next thing you should do is to strain the oats in the morning.
The kid should consume one glass of the remedy every morning on an empty stomach. The treatment lasts for 40 days.
Once the 40 days have passed, you should make a pause for 15 days and start with the treatment again for another 40 days.
Your kid will get rid of the phlegm and will have improved immunity.
This recipe will provide you with juice for 4-5 days.
Keep in mind that you are not skipping days because the child must consume the remedy every morning and to maintain this term of 40 days of application, and break of 15 days and once again 40 days of consummation the remedy.
Once the whole treatment is over, the kid will be more resistant to viruses and colds because its immune system is stronger.
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