A few instructions to follow to the letter
In itself, this challenge is rather simple. In truth, the hardest part is getting started! So, overcome your laziness, don’t mind moving and give yourself a few minutes each day to work your abs. Admittedly, it will take a bit of effort, but the satisfaction will be there. After 4 weeks (and even as the days go by!), you will notice a visible positive change on your belly. Trust us, it’s worth it!
We agree: you will have to compromise and follow this diet to the letter for the next four weeks. It’s up to you and your will. Because, if you make a few deviations, you won’t get the results you want. On the other hand, if you are determined to lose belly fat and give yourself all the means to achieve it, you will feel a clear difference after the fourth week.
Remark You may probably feel burning in your muscles for the first few days. Don’t worry, this is normal, it’s even a sign that you’re on the right track! Above all, keep up the momentum, don’t give up and don’t give up on the right path. If you keep trying, you’ll achieve your goal with flying colors.
6 Abdominal Exercises to Lose Belly Fat
Now let’s get to the heart of the matter! Here is the training to follow during the next month to melt abdominal fat.
Reverse Crunch
Unlike the “classic crunch” which brings the torso up towards the knees, the “reverse crunch” consists of bringing the knees towards the chest to work the abdominals.
Scissors Exercise
This is a good exercise to target the lower part of your abdominals.
Elbow-knee cross
This is an exercise that targets the lateral abdominals and helps you lose weight in general. It is particularly effective for slimming the belly and melting fat!
Trunk: Diagonal plank
Here, the diagonal board is actually a more intense version of the basic board.
Russian twist
Reputed to strengthen the abdominal strap, this exercise is great for toning the rotator muscles (hips, back, core, shoulders). Twisting motions are excellent for firming the abdomen.
Mountain climber (mountaineers’ exercise)
Let’s go, the home stretch! You’re going to suffer a little longer, but remember that it’s for a good cause, so don’t throw in the towel. This ultimate exercise is very intensive and will surely make you sweat a lot. You should perform the movements as quickly as possible, in order to increase your heart rate. And, you’ll also need to do as many reps as possible in a one-minute period.
What is the best sport to have a flat stomach?
Do you dream of having a wasp waist and a firm flat stomach? There is no mystery: it is necessary to combine these abdominal exercises with regular physical activity. This is the best way to increase muscle mass and promote fat loss. And, of course, you should also focus on a healthier and balanced diet rich in fibre, protein and vitamins.
Here are the most recommended activities to refine and firm the belly:
To work both the legs and the belly, there’s nothing like cycling. This cardio activity is super effective at burning fat. By practicing this sport regularly, you will be able to maintain a healthy lifestyle. That’s right, all you have to do is get on your bike frequently to banish fat and gain muscle mass!
Similarly, running is an ideal sport to work the abdominal belt, but also to firm the thighs and pelvis. As a bonus, it’s a good workout for overweight people looking to adopt good habits.
Finally, swimming is often considered to be the most complete sporting activity in terms of bodywork. No matter the abdominals, hips or legs, the whole body works and benefits from an intense effort to burn fat. And to top it all off, this cardio activity strengthens the lungs and heart through breathing.
Impact of Stress and Sleep on Abdominal Fat
Many people don’t realize it, but fat stored in the belly is often caused by stress. Yes, combined with the impact of hormones, this scourge affects our abdomen much more than we imagine. Did you know that stress triggers cortisol in the body? Of course, this hormone is essential for the proper functioning of the body, since it helps to control blood sugar, regulate metabolism and reduce inflammation. But, when cortisol is produced in excess, it has detrimental effects, disrupting sleep and promoting weight gain.
How to manage stress and improve sleep?
Here are 3 tips to follow:
Exercise has many mental and physical benefits. It reduces your body’s stress hormones and increases the production of endorphins. In addition, it reduces the negative side effects of stress, including belly fat.
Eat Properly
A healthy, balanced diet is one of the best ways to combat stress and belly fat. As much as possible, include plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in your daily meals.
Get enough sleep
Be sure to establish a strict bedtime routine and follow it religiously.